  Ameen Abdel Hai
  aabdelha AT sju DOT edu

CSC240 / CSC500: Discrete Structures

Students should learn a particular set of mathematical facts and how to apply them; more importantly, such a course should teach students how to think logically and mathematically. To achieve these goals, this course stresses mathematical reasoning and the different ways problems are solved. This course focuses on Discrete Structures, which is A course in discrete mathematics should teach students how to work with discrete structures, which are the abstract mathematical structures used to represent discrete objects and relationships between these objects. These discrete structures include sets, permutations, relations, graphs, trees, and finite-state machines.

Textbook: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications – Seventh Edition.
Prerequisites: None
TA: Danni Jin,

The academic year of 2019-2020 welcomes you!

Major Topics

  • Number Base Conversion & Bitwise Operators
    (excluded in the book)
  • The Foundation Logic and Proofs
  • Basic Structures Sets, Functions, Sequences, Sums, and Matrices
  • Algorithms
  • Number Theory and Cryptography
  • Dictionaries
  • Counting
  • Discrete Probability (if time allows)

Course Curriculum

Chapter Readings Assignments
Number Base Conversion & Bitwise Operators Binary
Bitwise Operators Including Homework Assignment
Chapter 1 Assignment 1
Chapter 2 Assignment 2
Chapter 9 Assignment 3

Please note that, the followings are approximate.
grade_distribution1 = Homework assignments: 15%, quizzes: 15%, midterm exam: 35, final exam: 35%
grade_distribution2 = Homework assignments: 15%, quizzes: 15%, midterm exam: 30, final exam: 40%
(grade_distribution1 > grade_distribution2) ? grade_distribution1 : grade_distribution2
Final gradings will be given according to the following scale:

Undergraduate students

A 96+
A- 90 - 95
B+ 85 - 89
B 80-84
B- 78-79
C+ 75-77
C 71-74
C- 65-70
D 61-64
F 0-60

Graduate students

A 96+
A- 90 - 95
B+ 85 - 89
B 75 - 84
C 65 - 74
F 0 - 64

Rules & Regulations

Accommodations for Disabilities: Reasonable academic accommodations may be provided to students who submit appropriate documentation of their disability. Students are encouraged to contact Dr. Christine Mecke in the Office of Student Disability Services, Bellarmine, B-10, at; or at 610.660.1774 for assistance with this issue. The university also provides an appeal/grievance procedure regarding requested or offered reasonable accommodations through Dr. Mecke's office. More information can be found at:

Class room and meetings: Go back to the main page or click here for classrooms, meeting times, and office hours. If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or pop in to my office during office hours. If you need to see me urgently and office hours are not suitable for you, please email me and we will organize a meeting.

Assignments/Lateness: Email your assignments to me and our TA on or before midnight on the day they are due. If the assignment is a coding assignment, please be sure to include your source code as well as the output of sample test runs. Work may be turned in up to one week late. Late work will be penalized by 50%. After one week late, work will not be accepted. In case of an emergency, please contact me and I will examine whether I can postpone your assignment.

Academic Honesty: This course will follow the University's standard policy on academic honesty. In particular, any cheating (including plagiarism) or assisting another student's cheating on any assignment, test, or the final exam will be penalized by either a zero on the test, or by failure of the course, at my discretion. Finally, if you cheat twice during this course, you will fail the course. Remember that the University may inflict further penalties other than those listed here under the provisions of the published Academic Honesty Policy. Clarification: defines plagiarizing as, "to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source." Therefore, if you cut-and-paste something from the web, you are plagiarizing. If you copy another student's work, you are plagiarizing. If you have someone else do your work for you, you are plagiarizing.
You may work as a partner with another student on an assignment to an extent. Two identical solutions are not considered. If I receive identical solutions from two students, both students will be lose credit for their homework or might not get any credit for it. Note, I consider copying solutions from online sources to be cheating. Please contact me whether you have any queries in regard to assignments due. If you have any questions or face any difficulties, ask me before the deadline

Mobile Devices (i.e., phones, laptops, and tablets): Mobile devices (cell phones) are not permitted, Laptops can be used for note taking or any other purposes related to class activated, such as writing code and solving technical problems. All other uses are not permitted in class.

Attendance: You are encouraged to attend every lecture. Attendance is not mandatory. However, if you do not attend lectures/classes, I will consider this as you are comfortable with the materials and able to write exams and pass the course. Note, if you do not attend regularly, I will not be able to go over the materials again during office hours. However, if you attend, make an effort, work hard, I will be delighted to explain and go over any topics or solve any difficulties faced during the course.